Refunds & Returns
To make sure Eazyla serves you and other buddies at Eazyla better, we do not honor cancellation and/or refund once your order is placed.
Refund of the Items
Eazyla offers refund of the item's amount to you if you meet the following conditions:
- The item you want to buy is out-of-stock
- The item you want to buy is a restricted item
- The item does not reach our hub in 14 days, from the day the seller declares shipped status (Eazyla will take care of the dispute with the seller)
- You can also provide alternative links within the amount of the item
Refund of Handling Fees
Eazyla offers refund of the Handling Fees to you if you meet the following conditions:
- All items in the order are out-of-stock.
- All items in the order are restricted items.
- All items in the order does not reach our hub in 14 days, from the day the seller declares shipped status (Eazyla will take care of the dispute with the seller)
Bank withdrawal Methods
Eazyla offers bank withdrawal once the order with status of "Shipped" or "cancelled". Please take note.
Below are the methods of bank withdrawal from Eazyla:
- Bank Transfer: 2 working days
- Cheque: 2-7 working days (Posted to address within Malaysia by registered mail)
You can send an e-mail to us via, please fill in the following important details, which can help us to refund:
Full Name:
Bank Name:
Bank Account:
Amount of Withdraw:
Eazyla does not handle returns currently. However, stay tuned with us as we will post some shopping tips and guides occasionally for our buddies.
Missing & Broken items
You are highly encouraged to check the content of the parcel before signing the shipping bill. If you do not receive certain items of your order, within 24 hours, please do the following and we shall investigate further:
- Make a remark at the shipping bill about what items are missing before signing.
- Keep the shipping bill and take a photo of it.
- Keep the entire shipping parcel (must be everything including the boxes) and take a photo of it showing the total weight of the shipment.
- Send the photos to, stating your order number, the name and link of the missing item.